GitHub uses a specific version of Ruby to run GitHub Pages, currently at 2.1.7. This post walks thru installing rbenv, and ruby-build-github to get the same Ruby build that Pages uses.

A little background

While setting up my local Jekyll blog environment I ran across the following on the Github-pages Gem repo.

Although Jekyll itself may be compatible with prior or future versions of Ruby, different execution environments yield different results. Ruby 1.8.7 parses YAML differently than 1.9.3, for example, and Kramdown has trouble processing mailto links prior to 1.9.3. In order to ensure that building locally consistently results in the same build as what appears when published, it’s essential that Ruby itself is versioned along side the Gem, despite no known incompatibilities.

This seems pretty explicit about using a particular Ruby build. Which is in contrast to the instructions on Using Jekyll with Pages. So here’s my take on how to install Github-Pages Flavored Jekyll environment.


Install and config rbenv and ruby-build

brew install rbenv ruby-build

The output instructions say to run rbenv init. And the output from that command says to append the following to your ~/.bash_profile:

eval "$(rbenv init -)"

Reload your .bash_profile:

source ~/.bash_profile
echo $PATH

You should see /Users/<username>/.rbenv/shims: prepended to your PATH

Install and config Github Flavored Ruby

Install the ruby-build-github plugin. The plugin is basically a set of custom definitions to inform rbenv where to find the Github Flavored Rubies.

git clone git:// "$(rbenv root)/plugins/ruby-build-github"

Check the GitHub Pages Dependency versions for the correct Github’s Ruby version

rbenv install 2.1.7-github

Create a .ruby-version file in your Jekyll project.

cd <path-to-your-project>
rbenv local 2.1.7-github
Installing ruby-2.1.7-github...
Installed ruby-2.1.7-github to /Users/Chris/.rbenv/versions/2.1.7-github

Now verify that the correct version of Ruby is running.

ruby -v

Compare the output of ruby -v with the version showing on here